It's hard to believe Evie has been with us for a few days already. Kristin and I are adjusting to life with a newborn. We expected less sleep, but had no idea on the time and energy it takes to round up the baby gear, car seat, pack up diaper bag, corral Beau, make 9 trips to the car before leaving to go anywhere. We had a fun day on Saturday, the three of us headed to the March of Dimes Walk for babies to take a picture with our team and say hello to our friends at the MArch of Dimes. After that little outing we headed home for most of the day until the evening when we went to Mimi and Happy's house for a little post walk celebration in Honor of Elle. Yesterday,we went back to my grandmothers house for Breakfast with all of the cousins, aunts and uncles. It was awesome to see so many cousins and there babies. Today, I am at the office treating patients while Kristin is watching Evie.
My friend posted Kristin's pictures on his photo web site. To view them click
HERE. They are absolutely stunning!