My sister Bree flew in from Kentucky this past weekend to meet her new niece. I was bummed that she couldn't bring Tanner--I miss my nephew so much. We had an awesome visit that went by too quickly! Of course we went shopping and stayed up into the wee hours of the night talking. If our mom would have been here, we would have never come home from shopping or gone to bed at night. At one point we even skyped (internet-video chatted) with Tanner. For being just 2 years old, he did pretty well only being able to see his mom on the computer screen. Although, he did keep trying to hug the computer-LOL!!!! I was very grateful for getting a big break from diaper duty--Thanks Ami Bree!! ('Ami' means friend in French; we wanted to give her a cute name since I am 'Nanny' to Tanner) I think Evie got spoiled this weekend by Ami Bree who not only held her constantly but bought her a swing and her first little bracelet (we do love our accessories!). Now, we can hardly wait for Tanner and Evie to meet in August!

Tanner helped Bree get packed for her trip
Evie in her new swing from Ami